
Free Sprites Page 2

Decided to put more sprites on a second page as the first page was getting a bit full.

Feel free to use these sprites for your game or any other project, commercial or noncommercial, with no charge to you, just be sure to give credit to me (MillionthVector) in the credits or somewhere in your game, thanks!

Creative Commons License
This work by MillionthVector is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

White/Blue Bases


Faction 10:


Purchase the 3D model here

Running Alien:
Turning ship 1:


Link to purchase 3D model.


Purchase the 3D Model Here

Alien Starship:

Purchase the 3D model here


 Purchase the 3D Model Here

Blue fighter spaceship.

(click on the images for higher resolution)

 Side-to-side rotation frames

Purchase the 3D file here

Red Cruiser Spaceship:

(click for higher resolution)

Purchase This Model Here

Textured Space Station (click for higher resolution)

 Purchase the 3D model here

2D Sprites

Animated ship with normal maps (Full Download Link)


  1. Really man, you rock! Thanks for your awesome work and for share it! :)

  2. Your artwork is amazing, I wish I had talent like this. I wanted to let you know I'm using a number of your faction ships in a card game that I'm getting ready to release (by end of this month). I spent a lot of time looking around before I found your work posted on OpenGameArt. I'm sure most people are using your work in computer games, but they look great on printed material as well.

    I'm posting your site info on my site, and full credit in the game materal.

    Again, I'd like to thank you for creating such quality work and putting it out here for all of us to use.

    1. I'm glad you found them useful, thanks for letting me know, I love to hear about how they are being used. :)

    2. The only problem is when you release a new faction and I have to agonize if I want to change which ones I'm going to use!

    3. Thought I'd let you know the card game is for sale now.

    4. Nice! Looks like an interesting game, wish you the best with your future sales.

  3. Amazing. Thank you so much. I am using a good bit of this artwork in the development of my Top Down Space shooter game. I will post a link to the dev product as I get further along. I really love your style and work. Thank you for sharing these

    1. Awesome, glad you found them useful. Love to hear about how they are used, thanks!

    2. Don't forget to mention your game like you said. I'm building a top down space shooter game myself and checking out similar projects is very important for progressing your own stuff. :)

  4. Thank you for the graphics, making my first game and i'm terrible at art! I did credit you in the game, Side scroller with a top down shooter feel, nothing special but it helped me a lot thank you! Also I did credit you in the game!

    1. I'm glad you've found these graphics useful, thanks for the comment!

  5. Hi, i hope you will read this message, because i don't now how to contact you. i'am actually working on an android game and planning using your 2D spaceship sprites for the next ennemies of my games. I will give crédit to you in the game, and if find how, create a link to your blog in the menu. Are you ok with that ?
    Also, if there is a way that you could create free specifics sprite (shared for everyone, not only for me, obviously), I would like to know because it could be very usefull. thanks a lot for all the good work you're doing :)

    1. Hello, sure, that's fine. The sprites are released under CC-by so you can do pretty much anything as long as you give credit.
      I'm not doing any major sprite projects right now as I'm busy with other stuff, but if the sprites you want are simple enough, I may be able to do them. You can email me at

    2. Oops, sorry, typo, it's

  6. Thanks a lot, I will contact you tomorow :)

  7. Very, very nice sprites, I`m making WIndows Phone shooter game and using your sprites, I'll put you in credit and inform you as soon as it is released, Very good job.

    1. Thank you! I'm glad you could use them, thanks for letting me know. :)

      Your fighter and bars looks amazing so far, sorry for bad web camera so far :D

    3. What you have so far seems well done, nice work.

    4. what language is your game written in? it looks really good

  8. Thank you for the graphics, making my first game, because I'm not very good at art. Also I did credit you in the game! I remodeled some graphics and available for phones and tablets (ANDROID). I'm leaving the link below:

    Thank you for your great kindness in allowing the use of yours creations. Thanks again for helping small Indie developer.

    1. I'm glad they were helpful to you, looks like an awesome game BTW.

  9. Stumbled across your site and found exactly everything I was looking for to expand a 2d space shooter in unity. As I am doing this as a hobby no idea of a completion time but I've bookmarked and if ever anything comes out of it as a finished product I'll come back to drop a link. Thanks for the art keep up the good work.

  10. Thank you very much for the graphics ! I am using it for my first "Shoot'em up" game !

  11. Thank you for sharing! But the first Station Image is not clickable to get the bigger Version.

    1. Oh, didn't notice that, I've added another that I think is clickable, let me know if it's still not working, thanks!

  12. hey millionthvector, Amazing pics!!!! i am making a game to publish to the android store. i have an idea, but a terrible software to make it with. do u have any suggestions for easy-to-use softwares? thanks

    1. Thank you!

      I recommend 'Game Develop' by Compilgames. It's free, versatile, and can do HTML5, great for web games and various platforms.

    2. can i publish to android?

    3. I believe so, a quote from the website: "

      GDevelop flexible architecture allows you to choose if you want to create an HTML5 game that can be played on the web and exported to Android, or a native game for your operating system. Or activate both platforms and export your game everywhere!

  13. Hi. Really awesome graphics.

    I was wondering if you do land vehicles (cars, tanks, etc.) and characters? I am working on a game where I need a vehicle travelling east and there is a character in it that jumps out.

    Do you have any sprite packs that will suffice?

    Many thanks

    1. I'm sorry, I don't have any vehicle sprites like that, sorry.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Hi, thank you for the art work. They are awesome. We have used some of your space ship sprite in our first game. We have just released on android it's call Space Outbust. We have modified some of the sprite to fit in our game. We have credited you in our game.
    Feel free to play our game.

    Thanks n Regards,

  16. How could you make them ? By Photoshop or what ? ...I would like some spaceship models, can I ?

    1. Most of the images here are made with Blender, it's free, and great software too, even compared to the expensive stuff. The particular models rendered to make these spaceships were mostly made to be rendered directly from above, and are worthless from just about any other angle, so I generally don't distribute most of these particular models.

  17. I'm using some of your sprites for making a modification in a game called "simplerockets"

    1. Sweet! Thanks for sharing, I love these types of games with physics and stuff.

  18. Your fighters are really awesome! Thanks for sharing! I love them so much! And I'm going to use one of them for my first game "Evade Falls". :-)

  19. Hey mate!
    I really like your work and its awesome!
    I thought about getting you as a team member for our current Space game project.
    If you are interested(and I hope you are) email me at:

    1. It`s, my fault.
      Looking forward to hear from you!

  20. omg im gonana die of this AMAZING WORK HOLY SHIT DUDE HOLY MOLY

  21. Hey vector how about you creating a game.Have you done it before? are you doing now?
    If you create a game and upload it there are many chances that you can earn

    1. That's actually something I've been working on over the past couple weeks, it's going to be a smaller game, just so I have a shot at finishing it, but yeah, certainly something I'm trying at the moment.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. Really great work, I'm impressed !

    1. I'm currently working on a shoot'em up for iPad, I may use some of your sprites if you don't mind.

    2. Sure, go right ahead, anything on both 'free sprites' pages is released under a CC-by license, so as long as you credit 'Alan Guyant' or 'MillionthVector', you can do pretty much anything you wish with them, including making money or redistributing the graphics.

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Hey man, I love your work and a friend and me are working on some Unity 2D space shooter and we hope its okay to use your creations <3 And my question is where have you learned how to draw / model such awesome things? My photoshop skills are nothing compared to your skills.

    1. Thanks, sure, anything on both "free sprites" pages is released under a CC-by license, so you can do pretty much anything with the graphics, including make money, as long as there's credit to 'MillionthVector' or 'Alan Guyant' somewhere.
      I learned mostly through practice, I don't have any formal training in art, the occasional tutorial when I was new was a big help, but beyond that it's just a matter of repeated practice.

  25. Hi, I really enjoyed your highly graphics. I am thinking to use for my game programming and surely I'll mention your blog. It is great. Before I leave I'd like to suggest something: your talent should be saved and mentioned to the public. So How about make as e-book and put in app store or google play. I hope you think about your talent or I can say professional as a fortune. Take care bro. I hope again see your works in Exhibition one day.

    1. Thank you very much, I did try and make a tutorial ebook once, I just don't have the patience to write a book.

  26. awesome work.I think i should learn from you on how creating models like this.You are awesome
    and how you create these things.Try your hands on game development software.No problem if you dont know C++ but if you know you can try higer.There are many easy platform/topdown/fps/3d easy developing software.I am creating a top down shooter game can i use your sprites and i am using multimedia fusion 2.5 developer edition which is very easy.

    1. Thank you, yes, all the sprites on both "free sprites" pages are completely free to use under the very relaxed CC-by 4.0 international license. I wish you best with your future game making endeavors.

    2. Thanks.I am creating a top down shooter game using your sprites and other website sprites.
      I let you know when i finish it

  27. Replies
    1. You may, if at all possible be sure to mention me somewhere, thanks!

    2. Yeah of course.Half of the game your sprites are used.Your really great and ill give you the credit when i upload the gameplay on youtube but the game is still working.Ill give you full credit and can you create some sprites for a 2d platform game.Retro you have an account in social networks like facebook or any other chatting thing.We can make a cool game together.

      If your sprites are ready and if you are ready to work with me
      send to mail

    3. Awesome! I do have Facebook, but I really don't use it.
      At the moment I have my own game project I'm busy with, sorry.

    4. No problem but i am waiting to play your game.Which engine you choosed to make your game

    5. It's being made with the "Pyglet" engine and Python, I should be making a blog post about it soon, it's nearing completion.

    6. Oh good.What kind of game is than platformer or top down

    7. It's more of a top-down space shooter, in a semi-artistic style

  28. Hi MillionthVector,

    I have started coding a rogue type scifi game and would love to use your spacecraft,i would credit you in the credits when game is finished. Is it possible to edit the images as well by adding to or deleting parts of your images.
    I will send you a version of final game when finished if you want, although its in very early stages and this might take some time as im coding everything myself.

    1. Hello, yes, everything on both 'free sprites' pages are totally free to use, even for commercial purposes under the relaxed, cc-by license, editing is fine as well.
      Would love to see what you create with them, if it's not any trouble, thanks!

  29. You Rock! I used your images on my online game and just want to make sure you get to see it. Its live on !!! Thanks for the images, they are the only good ones that I can find for free (I'm only a High School student). I have a development version that is ahead of that, but I push the updates very often.

    1. Awesome! I'm glad the sprites were useful to you, thanks for sharing, I love seeing what people make with them!

  30. am going to use these sprites for my next project i'l shout out to the website

  31. Used your Fighter2 in my little game

    thx :)

  32. Hi, i'm using some of your great artwork in my game. Please check it out :)

    Thank you

  33. And once more one of your awesome ships made it into a final project, this time however,
    into a unity package, focussed on the creation of complete 2D space worlds:!/preview/74614/222299

    Thanks so much for the sprite and everything!

    1. Nice, not a problem, can't seem to get anything from the link though, at the moment it shows a blank page.

  34. hi there,

    i followed the link to purchase the fighter2 3d model, but it showed a blank page.

    can you please send me details on how to purchase to winterpooch at gmaail dotcom ? thank you!

    1. Thanks for letting me know, I have sent you an email, please let me know if you did not receive it, many thanks!

  35. Hi Millionth Vector,

    Could I use 'Turning Ship 1' for the player of my multiplayer game.
    The game will be put on the windows store around May this year.

    Also, can the colour be changed to blue and gold?

    1. Sure, that is not a problem, just be sure to mention "Alan Guyant" or "MillionthVector" somewhere, and the CC-by license will permit most uses, including commercial.

      Also, yes, I was able to find the old file and render out some frames for you with the new colors:

    2. Thanks, I have added you to the credits, if you wish to try the game out here's the link:
      The singleplayer is not complete but the multiplayer fully works.

  36. Hey MillionthVector! Just wanted to let you know I am using your sprites in a game similar to FTL. It is for an assignment, and the assignment decrees it is to be made in Scratch, so once it's done I'll add the link so you can see. These sights are sick, btw, keep it up!

    1. Awesome! Thank you very much, I'm glad you like them, would love to see the FTL ships you make, thanks!

  37. Thank you so much for your sprites!

    I wanted to let you know that I used them for my video game. It is similar to "Star Control," a childhood favorite of mine and I just put it up on Steam to see if there is interest.

    It started out as my Master's thesis / project and it grew into something I want to try and market.

    Anyhow, thanks again. Please check out the link below! :)

    1. Not a problem, glad you could use them. That looks like quite an interesting project, I played Star Control 2, that game was impossible without a walkthrough.
      But yeah, your game looks good, it will be awesome to see where your project goes in the future. Best wishes.

  38. The red ship (the second image of the turning ship 1) became my favorite can i use it for my game

    1. You may, all these sprites are for free use under the CC-by international 4.0 license.

    2. My first game is space shooter and its completed please check it out and tell me that you like the game or not. click on this link -

    3. A lot better than my first game, congratulations.

  39. I would like to say thank you for creating these ships. Very great work. I am using them in my first game which I released a demo for @

  40. Hey, thanks to your sprites i finally made my first game and added you in credits. Check out below

    1. Awesome job! Better than my first game! Thanks for the credit.

  41. Your work is awesome. Check out the model I made based off your blue fighter ship:

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. My first completed game is on steam:
    And I use lots of Your graphics in it. Thank you for those graphic. Without you I would not succeed.

    I want to send you key for game. But I don't your knew email.

    1. Wow, that's seriously impressive, amazing work! Hats off and a major congratulations to you on that one, honestly can't wait to play this. Email is

  44. this is really lit , thankyou for your share. i will put ur blog in my game credit.

  45. It's really helpful. Thank you for sharing this for free. Now I creating game to shool project and I add you to credits. Maybe it's not much but you saved my mark.

    1. By the way it's first comment in 2018. Nice work for such a long time.

    2. Thanks! Awesome to hear you were able to make use of them, thanks for the credit.

  46. I'm developing my first game and I need to use your "fighter2" model. You'll have your credit. :)

    1. Awesome, have at it, thanks for the credit!

    2. here is the link of that game. Not so perfect, just a start. your blogger name with link to this blog provided in credits section. thank you once again.

    3. Nice, congratulations on completing your game, thank you for the link!

  47. Hello MillionthVector, I'm developing a simple ship game, and I'd like to use your sprites.
    Of course with your due credits.

    1. Of course, the sprites are available for use under the cc-by international 4.0 license, so feel free to use them.

  48. Hey, Thank you for all the sprites, they are great! I'm using some of your sprites in my game Spinner Invaders. It's still in development and soon I will release a demo of the game.

    You can check it here:

    And of course I gave you credit in my game.


    Thank you.

  50. Hey there,

    thank you soo much for these awesome sprites! Over the last 6 months I created a Space Sandbox MMO which uses your sprites.

    Again, thank you very much for providing these for free!


  51. Absolutely stunning!
    I'm using some of your artwork for a college project for my Game Development module, but with how well the project is going, I'm thinking of making it a full release. Your graphics are amazing assets for me to use. Full credit to you, and more :)

  52. Totally Amazing work of you, now i am leaning and creating my own game and i will use this sprites and also give credit to you. thank you dude.

  53. Thank you this saved me for my school project!

  54. The weapons artwork is some of the best I've ever seen. Bravo!

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  56. Hey, thanks so much for the sprites. I released a tech demo of a project I was working on using your sprites if you're interested in checking it out. You can find it here:

  57. Thanks for these masterpiece, they are very amazing. I wish to let you know that my child of 9 years old is using some for a coding game competition. Will share the link with you as soon as it is done. Thanks
