
Thursday, March 20, 2014

New Type of Free Sprites

  I think we have quite enough of the cartoonish sprites in the free sprites by now, it's time to move on to a more realistic style.
  Also with this new style, you may notice 2 things, I'll likely be releasing them 1 at a time, as they take more time and effort to make, and secondly, there will be links to the actual 3D model for purchase. This way I can continue to release sprites for nothing.
  Another thing you may notice, I plan on releasing future sprites at a higher resolution, hopefully this will be useful to you.

Purchase the 3D model here

Thanks, I hope you enjoy.


  1. Yeah, nice idea. :) Did you forget the link here or is the model not uploaded yet?

    By the way: Is the game project you made sprites for finished already? The black and the white factions?

    1. Yes, the game project is completed, that's where the orange/black and white/blue factions are from.

      The link to the model is on free sprites page 2, right underneath this sprite, I should probably put it here too.

    2. I see. :)

      Hey, i checked your 3D stuff on that website. How about rendering and releasing your other stuff here in 2D, too? That would give that stuff more audience too as they would be listed in the (i'm sure frequently visited) free section, together with their turbosquid-link. :)

    3. Yes, might bring more traffic, but if anyone bought one of them just to render a top-down version, I don't think they would like it if I were to release a top down render for free later.

  2. Hehe, you are right, that might be true... But they bought the whole pack, so they got the 3D model. I mean that's what they paid for in the first place. That's why you link to the models - if one wants more, she/he has to buy. Hey, we flat broke ones have to stick with the renders and angles you provide!! :P

    1. Whoops, not replied.

      By the way, i tried a spaceship myself, in Inkscape because your comic style ships could have also been made as vector images. Click here, it's based on this ship of the very first X game from Egosoft. Man, i find it pretty hard to come up with an own shape. And how do you decide the colors? I can't think of any. Also i've never worked with Inkscape before, it's pretty damn complex, almost as complex as Blender. Ugh. :S

    2. Not too bad for your first Inkspace try, the trick with colors is, either choose contrasting or complimentary colors. Just look at a color wheel and pick a color, then choose a second color across from it, or one right next to it
      An easier trick is just choose one color, and then use grey, black, or white for the rest.
      My suggestions to you are calm the gradients down a bit, and add another layer of smaller details on top of your ship.

    3. I cant believe I accidentally called it "Inkspace".

    4. Hahaha :) Yeah, i guess, when i use Inkscape for making spaceships, one can call it Inkspace! :D

      Uhh, ok... I didn't know one can have layers in Inkscape. The gradient was just to have it not transparent. I find applying gradients hard anyway in Inkscape. Rotating them is a pain... I want to type a number between 0 and 359 instead of moving thingies around with the mouse. :/ Also the built-in grid snapping, i think, is not very good because you always get another box size when zooming the image out or in, so when moving one of the knots in another zoom value it snaps on different places... I would rather define my own grid and have it fixed on all zoom values.

      And yeah, of course more details. I just tried the outer lines of a simple ship for testing. The ship should look more flat. That test ship took me 10 minutes. I guess i'm just gonna take one of your ships as a base, recreate it from scratch and modify it. Because i can't think of own shapes. :P

      I will write again when i have accomplished something noteworthy. Inkscape seems complex when first time trying it but vector graphics/SVG seems to be fun. :) One told me a while ago i could create great looking spaceships in Inkscape too, when i had other ships before i took yours. He said, what matters is only the work and time i put in.

    5. Here, what do you think? I applied more details, a red color and some more gradients. I'm quite happy with the progess, but it feels like some more details could be good... Can't think of any though. :D Also i'm not sure with these red thingies around the ship. They look like crystals or something, like weak points. Hm...

    6. That looks like a nice improvement, I quite like the red things on the edges, they look almost like they glow a little bit. As for details, what might be good is lines separating different plates of armor covering the ship, also an array or two of rectangles or other simple shapes might be good.

  3. Yes! Thank you, I will have a playable prototype ready soon that practically showcases your artwork. Have been making great progress latley, I think it puts your artwork to good use.

    I try to keep up with your blog as you have practically made all the prottype artwork in the current game i am putting together. Perhaps when I get some more of the software design, we could talk about some sort of collaboration.

    1. Nice, can't wait to see it. I don't know how many more free sprites I'll be making though, I may be getting a full-time job soon, without too much free time left for sprite making.

  4. Hello, i could'nt find to send you a private message.
    Just wanted to tell you that i'm using this sprite in a free Android game available on
    I gave credits to you on :
    Jean-François GAZET

    1. I'm glad you found it useful, congrats on your new game, hope it does well. :)

  5. Hi, Can I use this spaceships in my public app?

    1. And can I use also this image?

      Your images are fantastic compliments and thank you

    2. You may, all free sprites are released under the cc-by international 4.0 license, which means you may use the sprites for almost anything, even commercial use, as long as attribution is provided.
