
Monday, March 17, 2014

New Free Sprites Faction

Added a new faction to the free sprites, yes, they resemble a previous faction a bit:

They are available with normal maps on page 2 of the free sprites section.


  1. Awesome! How long do you worked on that?

  2. MillionthVector,

    These and the other spaceships you have created look great. I am actually using them in a game project I am trying to put together (With your credit, of course). I was wondering if you do any 2D building sprites too? (I did see the few skyscapers that you made, but I was looking for something more along the lines of space base)

    1. Thanks, no I don't really have anything like that right now except maybe that one image at the beginning of page 1.

  3. Nice stuff dude! 8) Though i personally find the ones with equipped weapons a bit difficult as they give you a fixed position for them and as you know in my game the weapons are equipped afterwards. But you can't make it right for everyone of course. Keep it up! :)

    1. Oh! I got an idea. I like the weapon turrets you gave some of the ships. You could sometime make top down weapon sprites too, with lights and other effects on them. You defintitately are able to. Heh. :)

    2. Might not be a bad idea, don't know how many more sprites I'm going to be doing though.

    3. My comment keeps getting deleted right after publishing. Now i don't have it in the clipboard anymore. :( Is that a spam system going crazy?

    4. I don't know why that's happening but I did get a copy of your comment, I actually have thought about some sort of donations system, would probably be worth considering if I start getting a lot of traffic. I don't know much about the legalities of that yet though.

  4. Hey! Hoping you still check these since I only just found your blog. Any chance you could help me figure out how you got the nice outlines in the edges of these sprites? Did you hand-draw them or bake them somehow from the 3D model?
