
Thursday, January 10, 2013

More Top-Down Spaceship Concepts

Decided to try making some more concept spaceships with Krita, hope you enjoy, thanks for looking!

Creative Commons License
This work by MillionthVector is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.


  1. Hello!

    My name is Adnan Salimi.

    I am sending you comment is segments because Error 404 is not allowing me to send you my whole message in one piece.

  2. I like your blog quite a lot and like you am big fan of concept space ships.

  3. I use color pencils to draw images. You can see my art work at My ID is Adnan1.
    You can also find me on You Tube and on Face Book by entering my name Adnan Salimi.

  4. I know that you have created some computer games in the past. That is very good.

    The drawings I have made were 30 years ago. I never used any sort of software to create digital space ships designs. But I like to do that. Do you know what is easy to use but still good quality kind of software to create stunning drawings?

  5. If you are talking about creating more games. Then I am quite interested in to partner as developing games on space ships based games.

    What I like to do is to provide you my pencil drawings of space ships as an artist with more and more different designs. Then you can create a game.

  6. I was never involved in games business before. But I believe that things can be learned as time progress.

    Once the game is manufactured. Then it can be sold on a membership website. Where people join to test part of other created games by us and buy the full version after they want that particular game.

  7. We will be able to sell the game not just only in digital download able format but also in physical format if some one fancy that too.

    when the fully developed game will be sold then We can share the profit on 50/50 base as joint online gaming company partners. You just never know that how much money we can make. I am thinking about business worth $Millions.

  8. Well at the moment I have no business at all but have got some big big ambitions to think about.

    At the moment I am working in HMV the UK music store. But want to start my own business and to say good bye to 9-5 job.

    Anyway! If you interested then you can contact me at my G mail address as,


    Adnan Salimi

    1. Thanks, the software I use to make my graphics is Blender, Gimp and Krita, Krita being used to make these, I think they're all decent quality, but they're all free so you can try them out for yourself if you wish.

      Thanks for your offer about making a game, but I don't think it'd be a good idea right now, for one thing, the kind of game that would make millions will generally take a few more than 2 developers, and it doesn't look like any of us are expert coders yet, thanks for the offer though!

    2. Hello,
      My name is Harkeerat. I am currently a 1 year student at SFU. I was wondering If I can use you ship designs in a asteroids that I am currently making. The game I am developing is for purely non-profit and educational purposes. Would it be acceptable if I used your Ships in my game?

      Thank you for you consideration.


    3. Sure! Glad you like them, and thanks for asking permission first.

  9. Should really keep any potential business conversations confidential. Posting on a blog like this is unprofessional. First ask if he would be interested in a business venture with your own contact information listed. Then when he opens up a private dialog, carry on. Just a tip for the future.

    PS. I love your artwork.

  10. Nice stuff. Can you contact me?


  11. Very nice. Do you mind if I use these in a little space game I'm working on? Thanks.

  12. Hi, I am a board game designer and i love some of your ship concepts. Is it ok to use them in a game i am building a prototype for?
    I realise someone else has already asked this but thought it polite to check again. If you email me ( i will send you a free copy once it is finished and in production.

  13. I finish a game that use your spaceship concept as sprites, I think you would like to see. (Site with info and download) (Video with a bit of the game)

    This site and the game it's in portuguese, but I made simple to download it.

    1. The game looks awesome, great idea having ships come from behind as well, I love the explosions, very nice work.

  14. Hi, so can I use your images for a game? I'll change them if I go commercial :).

    1. Sure, go ahead, they are released under a cc-by license, so as long as you give credit you could even use them for commercial purposes if you wish.

  15. Hi, i am lights and i am creating a 2d multiplayer game and need alot of designs. (5 per empire)x 6 empires. I have alot of specifics that need be in the ships and i wouldnt mind paying, mail me at if youre interested

  16. This is an amazing article, very concise and really getting into the meat of your content.

  17. It is really awesome post. I’m a regular visitor of your web site and appreciate you taking the time to maintain the excellent site. I will be a regular visitor for a long time.

  18. hi, your ships are really cool, but is there a way for you to upload the krita document of that? I'm trying to tweak and recreate them but it would be nice to have all the layers with it. Thank you!
    Art Admirer

    1. Thanks, but unfortunately the original Krita files are not available to me anymore. Sorry.
