
Wednesday, February 5, 2014

New Free Spirites - Top-Down Ships

There have been new sprites added to the free sprites page, three ships inspired by ancient times, enjoy!


  1. Hi i am wondering how do you make awesome looking spaceships. Any tips because i like yours a lot but i want to make my own.

    1. Just start with a basic style and build from that with details and variations. Also be careful with color use, use either contrasting colors, complimentary colors, or just one main color and the rest being neutrals, like grey, white, or black.

      Also my spaceships usually use a very soft Wardslo specular and Ambient Occlusion set to Multiply instead of Add, make sure your samples are high enough so you don't see any graininess.

      I also like to use Blenders 'Edge' effect a lot on sprites.

      Hope these tips help, let me know if you need me to be more specific on anything.

    2. Okay thank you. Are there any good places for tutorials for Krita i am okay at photoshop. Also do you draw the out first or do you do it all in krita.

    3. I actually haven't done any Krita tutorials that I can remember, but there appears to be some interesting tutorial links on Kritas website that look to be worth looking into. If you use Photoshop I imagine Krita won't be that hard for you once you find out where everything is.

      Sometimes I do draw concepts on paper, but usually I just start in whatever program I'm using.

      For the spaceships I did in Krita, I usually did the big black areas first, then add the grey layer underneath and the colors and details later. Don't forget to turn the mirroring on of course.

    4. Okay thank you for the tips. You should do one on making a ship. That would be awesome

    5. No problem.

      Seems like that might be a good idea sometime. :)

    6. That would be awesome i need a lot of help making a ship in Krita. My friend and I are making a space game and i need help making the ships lol.

    7. Okay I'll try and see if I can do a quick tutorial in a few hours tonight, if not I'll probably do it tomorrow.

    8. Really that would be so awesome. Thank you so much

    9. I've finished the tutorial and have posted it, let me know if there is any problems with it, thanks!

    10. Thank you so much. I will let you know tomorrow as i am done working for today.

    11. I am also having trouble with getting the basic shape of a space ship like how did you create the basic shape of it on the tutorial. Thanks Again

    12. I just kind of started drawing small shapes and pressing cntrl+z until I had a starting point I liked, then continued to add shapes until it made a decent spaceship. I should probably put that in the tutorial, thanks.

    13. Also how did you make your ship look so smooth mine came out blocky.

    14. Hmm, try making the spaceship in a bigger resolution than you need and scaling it down.

      I don't know why it would be coming out more blocky than mine if you used the same "sketch_ink" brush.

    15. Okay i have a brush called sketch_ink big and sketch_ink small and i have been using the small one.

    16. I think I remember changing the scale of the brush as well, try turning it down a little.

  2. Heres a link to what i have created.

    1. Yeah, Krita is more of a painting program so it isn't really meant for low resolutions like that, use at least 500x500 and scale it down later if you need it small.

    2. Okay thank you for all the help
